A Different Way of Seeing


Gracie Benideth Cane is the creator of Braille Code patches. Theses patches allow the visually impaired, to be able to discern the differences, physically(reading the braille on the patches), in their clothing, hats, shoes, sneakers, etc. I originally met her through a mutual friend. When Gracie first told me her story, and how she came up with the idea for her Braille Code Patches, I was blown away. You see, Gracie, is the mother of a visually impaired child. Her son, Wani, was born blind.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and in this case it holds true. Gracie wanted Wani to be more independent, and at that moment, she had the idea for the Braille Code patches. In my honest opinion, it’s brilliant. Gracie put a lot of thought into the creation of these patches. The time I spent photographing her and Wani, was great. I was very impressed with Wani, and immediately took a liking to him.


I really admire, and respect the level of Gracie’s creativity. When you want to see change, or make significant improvements to your life, or your loved ones lives, I feel you should always look for creative ways to do so, or pursue a path that may be “outside the box”, and that is what Gracie has done. I remember our initial conversation, and right away I could tell how passionate she was. I can relate to her passion, because it is the same way I feel about my work.


When you are passionate about what you do, especially if it is in the realm of creation, it can be profoundly deep, and in most cases, it is. Gracie and I are kindred spirits in this instance, and I am so thankful for meeting her, and her son. They inspired me to continue to strive to become better, as an artist, and a person.


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