Black Men Run


Black Men Run is a group of African American men, that began as an idea, to just remain healthy. What it ended up turning into, was a brotherhood, in the truest form possible. You see, Black Men Run doesn’t have any real requirements, or fees involved, to join them. They do however, ask that you are dedicated to either improving, or maintaining your health. I have spent a little time with the New York chapter, which is based in the east section of Brooklyn, and I must say, that I was impressed by the camaraderie, dedication, and the level of respect amongst the group. These brothers don’t just talk the talk, they live it. The amount of positive encouragement I witnessed while with them, really hit home. I actually told one of the groups leaders, Will, that “I understood why they had so many members in their chapter”. Black Men Run makes you feel like you are one of the guys, even if you aren’t. As an observer, the group made me feel so welcome. It didn’t feel like I was meeting a group of strangers, it felt like I was meeting up with some old friends that I hadn’t seen in a while. They are a huge inspiration, and have had such a positive effect, in a section of Brooklyn, that has the dubious distinction as possessing one of the highest rates of crime in the city. As an artist, I immediately identified with their dedication to their craft. Being passionate about your craft is also very key to your growth, both as an artist, and in becoming a better runner. I know what it’s like to become frustrated with your craft, to feel like you aren’t progressing, and always finding a way to fight through it all. Running is not easy, and it takes practice, technique, and of course, dedication, and from an artists aspect, these go hand and hand with creativity.

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